Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Classroom Decision Making

As teachers, there is a main concern to think about in the classroom which is decision making due to its huge importance on the learning process. In fact, most teachers before were not aware of this important issue although, they were making decisions the same as teachers nowadays do. But, it was not obvious for them that these decisions is something to think deeply about them, plan for them and know their consequences to be able to make the best choice. They were only taking decisions because of authority they have and based on their view for what is right and what is wrong. However, nowadays this view should totally be cancelled. Decision making is something that should be based on many essential factors and based on professional planning, schools, curricula, programs and educational policy. Thus, official standards and schools policy should be clear enough for teachers, who in turn should be aware and skillful in making decisions that should be appropriate and give the best results for the learning process. 


  1. Within the realms of teaching military science courses, understanding unconventional maneuver warare is due to the allowance for creativity,innovation, and the application of basic principles.This rigidity of rules that bind the tactical leader causes unnecessary loss of life, just as teaching in this manner would cause similar cognitive thinking towards making decisions.

  2. Glad that you are aware of this aspect Jalal! In fact as educators we should always take the initiative to set and generate effective decisions that will lead to better learning. Moreover, we are known as the most people who make decisions which some of them are on the spot.

  3. Decision-making in all of its facets are an important part of the overall teaching experience that doesn't get enough attention. In reality teachers are forced to make all kinds of on the spot decisions that require knowledge, compassion, as well as quick thinking. Acquiring this skill is invaluable to us as student teachers.
