Monday, March 12, 2018

Reflection on my Teacher

From the early beginnings and all over the world, knowledge and wisdom were the goals for all civilizations and communities, that’s why people were very interested to have great teachers with great knowledge and abilities that can influence their students in a way to build their personality and their minds. But greatness in teaching has certain qualities that when well understood can give all teachers a standard of excellence to strive for and guide schools to retain the best teachers and reach these previous goals.
To that end, I offer the following observations about my biology teacher in high school. This teacher used to teach biology in my official high school in Bekaa Valey and he had many characteristics of the great teacher that we are going to discuss in this paper.
In the classroom, he was very polite and respectful, although he was an active teacher that walks fast into the classroom after knocking the door to alert us that he is entering and now is time to get ready for his course. Then he used to check us by asking about our health and how was our day in general, and he repeats the question for the students that are not listening well to him yet to get in touch. After that he checks our homework before going back to the board and explaining about our questions and make sure we understand well previous topics and get ready to move on to another. That was very good technique from him were we used to feel confident that we are going to understand the material, and that he cares for all of us and make us careful also for his course and information that he is going to offer. Also this had a nice impact on us where students who have caring relationships teachers are academically more successful and show greater pro-social behavior (Zakrezewski, 2012).
In addition to that, it is worth to tell that home works that we were supposed to do are not specifically mhaddadi. He never gave us certain number of problems to solve but, we were supposed to work on our topic by solving problems as much as we can, and of course students that solve more problems will gain more points. Also, we were supposed to solve some of these problems on board and explain them to our mates after he choose these certain problems to be solved by certain students. This deal gave us a great chance to challenge each other and try to gain our points by solving a greater number of problems, in addition to challenging ourselves and get ready every day to be able to handle the responsibility of standing on the board and explain these problems. This technique was very efficient in gaining knowledge, staying in focus, keeping the class in motion, and raising the challenge limits continuously to unleash the power of appropriately high expectations (Boynton & Boynton, 2005).
After finishing the problems solving, the teacher used to make a certain closure for the part that we were done with and encourage us about what we have done and what we are able now to work on. He always starts with a new topic by asking us some open-ended questions to test our knowledge and help us to have a certain configuration of the upcoming part of the material. When possible, he also used to show us some pictures and mojasam that help him to explain and put the objectives that we are going to reach at the end of the part and the skills we are going to learn. This was very helpful for us where we were able to know precisely and clearly what we are going to face with a complete feeling of secure and comfort and also it helped us to be aware if we wanted to prepare the lesson or do some searches about what limits we should not pass it (District Administration 2004).
Despite of all these great techniques that were used by the teacher, he had himself a huge repertoire in his domain. He was so confident of what he is teaching us and about the way he was teaching because of his ittilaa about the content of our book and the continuous upgrading of this content where he always used to tell us about these upgrades when found. Also, he was really able to answer any question that we used to ask because he invests much time in reading about biology and discuss it with others. This huge and continuously growing repertoire that he had was able to make students confident about their teacher and that he is making his best to be better and make them better also in this field, explore subject in a deeper manner, and get less frustrated (Mihai, 2016).  
It is good also to tell about the communication that this teacher made in the classroom where it was very effective for both the students and the teacher. We were able to discuss ideas with each other in class time and ask questions and having a great response from the teacher where he listen and appreciate these questions and try to involve all students in these discussions with a great pleasure and make it lead to points in the material of the course. This communication made learning easier for us, helped us a lot to achieve goals, increased our opportunities for expanding learning, strengthening the connection between students and with him, and created an overall positive experience (Ministry of Education, Guyana 2015).
This was my description for the best teacher who ever thought me, who did teaching not only as a job but because he loves teaching and is able to teach students to love learning, and reached the stage of being ideal from many student's point of view, hopping that all teachers reach this stage to get better in education.


  1. You are awesome, as always, and I hope you are having an amazing break from the day-to-day of teaching. You are making a difference for everyone in your life! Keep on resting and keep on teaching, Teacher!

  2. So nice. I had such a teacher too, who influenced me so much. Actually, when the teacher loves what he does and believe in himself, he will leave absolutely a beautiful touch on his students and will influence their tendency toward things.
