Monday, March 12, 2018

Reflection on Webinar

Traveling and Loco-Motor Skills for Preschoolers
In this session, Dr. Steve Sanders wanted to shed light on the great importance of loco-motor skills for the young children, as a source to gain learning instead of only moving muscles. skills of traveling for Dr Sanders are initial for all children to learn through it, and he insisted on investing these skills by parents and educational establishment to increase the rate of learning and enhance it. Dr Sanders explained the progress of traveling that normal young children pass through and also, explained  many of these moves like walking, running, jumping, hopping, leaping and classified them to even and uneven skills. Then, he talked about their influence when practiced truly on improving the motor abilities as well as on the language and learning abilities through increasing the visual field and the abilities of discovery in children. Through the session, Dr Sanders gave a big importance for chasing/fleeing/dodging games from the age of 4-5 years where as he thinks, they are very good to help the children gain motor abilities, increase their flexibility and teach them to stick certain simple rules as a beginning of learning. In addition to that, these games are related to other games that children will later learn like soccer, basketball, tennis and others where, children can learn the right way to move and run, how to change speeds and directions, watch moves and improve their attention. However, it is important to present these games in the right way where, they should be always practiced, given set boundaries, placed by variety of safe situations and demonstrated with needed cues that usually are short phrases, words or moves that should be repeated in order to be mastered. 


  1. Unfortunately we still see in some schools kindergarten teachers that teach their young learners in a direct way, without giving them the opportunity to go out to a sport session or making some physical activities that increase their flexibility.

  2. I Was attending the same webinar and it was so interesting and I am totally with doctor Sanders but if we visit many schools we will see that what doctor Sanders is saying is not applied , students especially in low grades are taught by receiving orders from teachers and also our classes are not useful for physical activities.

  3. Very interesting to know. Something we are not seeing much in our schools nowadays. Loco-Motor Skills, are somehow hindered. Hopefully with the new groups of teachers like you, our schools will flourish.
    Good luck my friend!

  4. physical activities as will as mental activities are very essential for children's development.It's an essential technique that should be applied in our schools.
